All of our partners are certified laboratories that provide reliable and accurate blood testing directly from your doorstep. We take pride in our test results being of the highest possible quality, so we only partner with laboratories that operate to the highest administrative and clinical standards
The laboratories we use to test your blood are professionally accredited, which means they adhere to the highest standards. We work only with laboratories that are subject to regular and strict external and internal quality controls to ensure that we can provide you with the highest level of analytical accuracy and performance. Labor Rothen, based in Basel, Switzerland, is a nationally recognized laboratory that specialises in providing accurate and reliable blood testing for a range of clients including private hospitals, clinicians and companies. The laboratory has a proven reputation for safe and efficient handling of blood specimens and participates in regular quality audits and clinical inspections from the government.
The sample collection methods we provide are the most effective and well-established for at-home collection. We only offer sample collection methods that meet clinical standards and are reliable and easy to use. Every sample we receive from you gets a unique ID, which is used to identify your sample throughout the whole testing process. The ID ensures that results are accurately delivered to the customer avoiding any incidents such as human error or sample mix up.
Together with our medical team we curate the most applicable and useful biomarkers to give you the most accurate insights into your health. The tests we provide to you are meant to help you understand your wellbeing and health so you can make lifestyle and dietary changes based on our data and recommendations.
Our labs follow the guidelines set out by the international standards for the transfer of clinical data. Subsequently when your data reaches Healthycheck, it is encrypted and stored on accredited servers in Switzerland.